Take away from California
California was an experience I will never forget and was so unreal. I learned so much from people in the Film industry. I got to experience and see things I never thought I would. I saw things I wouldn’t normally see growing up in a small town, especially so much to do with the film industry. This really opened my eyes for what to expect in this career. The most valuable advice everyone gave was to be someone you would want to spend countless days with. Learn outside of your comfort zone be the most valuable person. This was an eye opener for me and made me realize there’s more to the industry than just editing and directing and is putting me into a path that I want to strive to be great in. That I always have to be brave and take as many opportunities I can. Take everything and keep learning. I got so much valuable advice, and life lessons on this trip. I never thought that coloring was a whole different step in the editing process. I never really thought I could be in the film indust...