Universal Studios & Sony Animation

Today at Universal Studios was such an exciting experience. On the bus tours it was so cool to see sets and how some of them are only partial sets, it looks like theres more there than there really is. It was really cool how they made movies into "ride" like experiences. The recreated an Earthquake scene from the movie earthquake. They had 3D glasses and did a whole 3D experience of King Kong.  They took us into the garage of Fast and Furious making it 3D, and making it feel like we were passenger in the cars. They showed us the set used for the Grinch who stole Christmas, and Bates Motel. They showed us all 30 sound stages they have and told us what's been shot in there and what's being shot in there now. We also got to see an actual commercial being shot at Universal today. That went perfectly with what we are here for. It was cool to see the P.A's tell people to stay back while they were filming, because that maybe the very same thing we will all be starting out doing. We've also never seen any commercials being shot or being able to be up close to it. There was multiple camera, and at least three redo shots.

After Universal we went to Sony Animations. This was an interesting expirence to learn more about story bording as well as animating. We saw how they start out with a story board then pitch an idea. After the idea is pitched and directors like it, they shoot the rough animated cut of it. After the rough cut is done they do a voice over with the actors, then hair and color people add color and light to the animations and then they get their final piece. I didn't really know much about animation, but that was definitely one of the best things ive seen on this trip and has definitely peaked my interest. None of us can thank Caleb Bomysoad enough for getting us into to see such an amazing experience like that.


  1. Great photos in your post! The first one really captured me as a reader and pulled me in to read more. You got to see the Grinch set???!!!! I'm very jealous. Prof. Shanks


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