CCE, 1917, behind the scenes of Hollywood

We went to Creative Character Engineering, it was one of the coolest experiences because they usually don't do tours. I realized this may be something I want to learn how to do. Which is creating fake characters out of silicone and making it look realistic. I thought it was really interesting learning about digital design, model shop/ seaming, molding, casting, painting, foam fabric, and soft goods. It was also so cool to hear the president and founder of CCE Andrew Clement come and talk to us. We also learned that they are trying their hardest to cross train everyone so more hands can be on the projects. It was so interesting to hear that they can't change deadlines, unless the producers push it back. They are on a big time crunch. It was also so interesting that a lot of the products are 3D printed and on screen you wouldn't even notice, it looks so realistic. It was also so cool that they put silicone on the back of our hands and it got every pore and vein on our hands.
We went behind the scenes of the Hollywood sign with Sgt. Bob. It was extremely nice of him to do that for us and it's an experience I'll never forget. It was so quiet up their and California looked so beautiful,  minus all the Smog in the air. We also got to go inside and old communication bunker. The car ride in the transit up to the sign was pretty fun because it was a small windy dirt road, and we were trying to keep up with a cop car. It was really so breathe taking the view.


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